In the early 1960s a heated debate flares up over the issue of a new bore through the Gotthard. It pits advocates of a road tunnel, who have come together since the Second World War, against proponents of a rail tunnel. In 1963 Hugo Gschwind, Chairman of the SBB’s Directorate General, intervenes in the discussion, arguing that if traffic continues to increase massively, the SBB will need a base tunnel. The Gotthard tunnel study group calls for the construction of the road tunnel, but also approves a rail base tunnel project. The Federal Council, however, opts to shelve it. The Gotthard road tunnel is built between 1970 and 1980.
« The faster goods in transit can be conveyed through our country, the better our chances of competing successfully with foreign routes. »
Hugo Gschwind, Chairman of the SBB Directorate General, Letter to the SBB Board of Directors, 21 June 1963