Results for Connecting routes
The first base tunnel
Long before the Gotthard and Lötschberg, the first base tunnel in Swiss rail history is driven through the hills at Hauenstein near Olten.
View eventThe Europe-Africa Express
An engineer has a vision: from Basel to Chiasso by rail in just two hours – time enough for a shower, a haircut and some telephone calls.
View eventCross-border solutions
A European transport conference in Frankfurt in 1989 gives its backing to rail transport. Adolf Ogi is there representing Switzerland.
View eventNo link for Eastern Switzerland
A rail line through the eastern Alps is eastern Switzerland’s dream. While those hopes come to nought, the region is included in the network option.
View eventParliament backs the NRLA
Parliament’s backing for the construction of the NRLA is based on regional, environmental and European policy arguments.
View eventYes to the NRLA
Swiss voters approve the NRLA proposal by a clear majority, paving the way for construction of the new Gotthard, Ceneri and Lötschberg tunnels.
View eventGreen light for the network option
The Federal Council confirms the network option for the NRLA, clearing the way for construction of the Gotthard-Ceneri and Lötschberg axes.
View eventLinks to other countries
The success of the NRLA hinges on countries other than Switzerland. The amount of freight carried by rail will only increase if the Rotterdam-Genoa axis is modernised.
View eventRotterdam–Genoa
Expansion of the Rotterdam–Genoa freight axis makes slow progress. Italy lags behind on sea-port links.
View eventYes to public transport funding
Funding for the NRLA is secured: over 30 billion francs are to be spent modernising Switzerland’s rail infrastructure.
View eventAdjustments go unnoticed
Almost unnoticed by the public at large, the Federal Council brings forward the previously postponed construction of the twin-track Zurich-Thalwil tunnel.
View eventGeology and surveying
Tunnel construction depends on scientific knowledge. Geology helps to find ways through the rock.
View eventNo to the Porta Alpina
It is a popular vision: the Porta Alpina to connect Sedrun and the Surselva via a lift to the Gotthard Base Tunnel.
View eventThe four-metre corridor
In order to transport the heavier loads, not only the tunnels but also other parts of the rail infrastructure need to be adapted.
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