Five options

12 July 1988
A «Y» through the Alps
A «Y» through the Alps

In 1988, five possible options for the NRLA are on the table. One of them is the «Ypsilon» Alpine railway. It runs from Chur and Erstfeld mostly underground to Biasca. The two tunnel lines would have joined beneath Sedrun. (1986, Swiss Federal Archives)

In 1988 the NRLA project management presents five options for the NRLA to Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi: Lötschberg-Simplon, Gotthard, Ypsilon and two involving Splügen. This work forms a key basis for the Federal Council Dispatch of 23 May 1990 on the construction of the «Swiss rail line through the Alps». It recommends pursuing the Gotthard and Lötschberg-Simplon options.

« Gotthard and Lötschberg/Simplon are better than Ypsilon and Splügen. »

NRLA project management, Federal Office of Transport, Decision-making basis for a rail link through the Alps, p. 3, 12.07.1988

Echo der Zeit: Reaktionen von Regierungsvertretern verschiedener Kantone auf den Grundsatzentscheid des Bundesrates zur NEAT

1989, Swiss radio and television

Echo der Zeit: Representatives of various cantonal governments reacting to the Federal Council’s decision on the NRLA, 1989 (Swiss radio and television)

125 hectares

estimated land needed for the Lötschberg base line.

285 hectares

estimated land needed for the Gotthard base line.

416 hectares

estimated land needed for the Splügen base line.

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