«Rail with road»

Green meadows, blue mountains
Green meadows, blue mountains

The tracks run through unspoilt nature. Submitted to the Federal Council in 1988, the «New Rail Link through the Alps» report recommends shifting road traffic to the rail system. (1988, Swiss Federal Archives)

The Infras research consultancy presents its report to the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy in August 1988. It concludes that the NRLA makes sense provided the «rail with road» policy is adopted. It advocates an internationally coordinated approach and a shift from road transport to rail. Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi, the head of the Transport Department, takes the arguments on board. The report exerts a profound influence on the discussions that follow.

« It must be possible to achieve this political decision. »

Infras, Feasibility study for the new rail links through the Alps, p. V-1, August 1988

Hochbetrieb bei den SBB

1938, SBB Historic

Hochbetrieb bei den SBB

Busy times at the SBB, 1938 (SBB Historic)

401 pages

in the report by research consultancy Infras.

295'000 person years

estimated employment effect of the Lötschberg NRLA (125,000) and Gotthard NRLA (170,000).

6 times

growth in goods traffic crossing the Alps since 1960.

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