The Gotthard Base Tunnel

30 January 1962
Elektrowatt headquarters
From Amsteg to Giornico

The Elektro-Watt company plans large hydroelectric facilities such as the Atatürk Dam and also the Leibstadt nuclear power plant. In 1962 the company develops the first project for a Gotthard Base Tunnel, which would have connected Amsteg with Giornico. (1976, Zurich State Archives)

At the start of 1962, the Gotthard tunnel study group appointed by the Confederation commissions the Elektro-Watt company to draft a project for a «Gotthard Base Rail Tunnel» from Amsteg to Giornico. Published five months later, its report assesses the geological conditions and outlines a construction process involving two twin shafts. This is not the only project of its kind. In the years that follow, numerous further studies are carried out and calculations made, for example regarding the future capacity of the existing Alpine railways.

« The curve at the SP in Giornico is primarily dictated by geology and building techniques. »

Elektro-Watt, Technical report on the project for a Gotthard Base Tunnel, p. 4, 01.06.1962


1954, Swiss Federal Archives


The Gotthard Tunnel, 1954 (Swiss Federal Archives)

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