Spatial planning

13 December 1993
The best line
The best line

What will the landscape look like once the new lines have been built? Photomontages and renderings give the engineers a picture of the reconfigured space; here the portal of the Gotthard Base Tunnel near Erstfeld. (2010, Alptransit Gotthard Ltd)

The Infras consultancy presents the input for a spatial planning report to the Federal Office of Transport. The report is published on 13 December 1993. For once, the focus is on regions not directly affected by the NRLA: Graubünden and Central Switzerland (Schwyz, Lucerne and Zug). Like many others, the report deals with the impact of the chosen routes on Switzerland's «spatial structure» and considers regional, economic and tourism policy issues.

« AlpTransit will have an impact on the spatial structure. »

Infras AG, AlpTransit preparatory project, basis for the spatial planning report, aspects beyond the perimeter of the new rail line, p. 1, 13.12.1993

Landscape typology, NRLA tracks, structures, planning areas

Interactive infographics , 2017 (Swisstopo, ARE, BAR)

Landscape typology, NRLA tracks, structures, planning areas

Interactive infographics , 2017 (Swisstopo, ARE, BAR)

Landscape typology, NRLA tracks, structures, planning areas

Interactive infographics , 2017 (Swisstopo, ARE, BAR)

30 per cent

improvement in access to Lugano from the rest of Switzerland promised by the NRLA.

18 per cent

improvement in access to Brig from the rest of Switzerland promised by the NRLA.

879'650 overnight stays

or 23 per cent more overnight stays to be recorded in the canton of Ticino as a result of the NRLA, according to a report by the planning firm Metron.

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