Swiss Federal Archives
Geological tables and profiles of the great Gotthard tunnel
1882 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 86 MB
Minutes of the final General Meeting of Shareholders of the Gotthard Railway Company in Lucerne
1912 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 22 MB
Articles of Association of the Berner-Alpenbahn-Gesellschaft Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon
1906 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
Study by an engineer into the economic importance of the Gotthard Base Tunnel
1949 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Geological results of the Campo Solario near-surface bore according to the Rail Tunnel through the Alps study commission
1966 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Sketch of a Gotthard Base Tunnel with 3 intermediate headings
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 11 MB
Minutes of a meeting of the interdepartmental coordination group on international environmental issues, transmittal letter
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Fundamental observations of the BTS staff unit on traffic loads on the Alpine roads
1982 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
An issue of the magazine «Lo Splugo, Periodico del Comitato per il Traforo Ferroviario dello Spluga»
1987 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 MB
Suitability assessment for the New Rail Link through the Alps in Switzerland
1988 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 137 MB
Cost calculations for the new Gotthard and Lötschberg lines, January 1991
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
Federal Council dispatch on the transit agreement between the European Economic Community and Switzerland
1992 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Minutes of a discussion at the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy on the next steps following the referendum
1992 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 31 MB
The Chairman of the Swiss Building Contractors’ Association’s expectations regarding AlpTransit
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Discussion between the Federal Office of Transport and environmental organisations
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Representation of the Frutigen-Kandersteg exploratory tunnel, Mitholz access tunnel
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
The sectoral plan of the Federal Office for Spatial Planning
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 11 MB
Concept paper on the Alpine Crossing Exchange, background material for a meeting on 10 February
2009 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
Federal Council decree on the NRLA, drafted in the closed session on 19-20 february
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 39 MB
Statement by the Federal Office of Transport on a report by the Federal Department of Finance
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 12 MB
Federal Council decree on the opening of negotiations with Germany on the northern connections to the NRLA
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 31 MB
Statement by the President and Government Council of the Canton of Uri on the AlpTransit preliminary projects II in Uri
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 17 MB
Report to the Federal Council by the working group on public transport funding
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 36 MB
Internal memo on demarcating the overall supervisory powers of the NRLA supervisory delegation from the supervisory responsibilities of DETEC
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
Summary by the Federal Office of Transport of the next steps in the reform of Swiss railways
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Federal Council decree on the beginning of construction for the second phase of the NRLA
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
Dossier of essential information on rail infrastructure systems, 1999 version, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 122 MB
The development of goods traffic on road and rail in Switzerland from 1980 to 2000 from the perspective of the St. Gallen Centre for Futures Research
1981 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 15 MB
Internal PowerPoint presentation on the comparative options at the Ceneri (costs) by the Federal Office of Transport
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 50 KB
Financial status reports of the AlpTransit cost oversight body
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Summary of the preliminary project for the Lötschberg base line
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 39 MB
Piora Basin exploratory bores, geological horizontal section
1992 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 4 MB
Radio – tunnel radio antenna (R-TR). Radio interfaces (appendix 12)
2003 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 4 MB
Federal Office of Transport, The railway interests of western Switzerland
1989 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Inclusion of eastern Switzerland in the AlpTransit concept, Gotthard axis feasibility study
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 35 MB
Geological interpretation, profile Neat9001, Reichenbach – Gasterntal
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Position, tasks and operational procedures of the Control and Coordination staff unit
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 42 MB
Final report of the committee of representatives of the transport ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland
1989 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 215 MB
Concession agreement regarding the use of water power in the Reuss area
1907 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 MB
The Federal Department of Home Affairs on road construction research
1974 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Experimental economic efficiency calculation and clarification of financing options for the Gotthard Base Tunnel
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 26 MB
Dispatch on the public transport infrastructure fund overview (construction and funding of public transport infrastructure projects)
2007 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 4 MB
Central engineer’s report on the condition of the Hauenstein tunnel, 22 January
1883 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
67th meeting of the Swiss Railways Federation Technical Commission on the question of guide rails, 24 April
1889 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 592 KB
Rail 2000, information for the Federal Assembly Finance Delegation, 24 August
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 507 KB
Geological profile of the St. Gotthard in the axis of the great tunnel, special appendix
1880 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 32 MB
Submission by various associations to the Federal Council concerning the protection of interests under the Confederation’s regime
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 52 MB
Early observations by an engineer from Swiss and international perspectives concerning the traversing of the Alps
1864 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 40 MB
Calculations on the status of development of the existing Alpine railways and possible Alpine railway approach routes in the year 1990
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Final report of the Rail Tunnel through the Alps Commission
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 55 MB
Minutes of a meeting of the interdepartmental coordination group on international environmental issues, transmittal letter
1972 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
Study for a target system for the overall transport strategy for Switzerland OTS – CH
1977 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 MB
Observations of an engineering firm on the way to a decision
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Draft of a programme for the presentation of decision-making basis for Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi by the NRLA project management
1988 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
Internal documents for a briefing event with Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi in the Kandertal
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 22 MB
AlpTransit decree, additional reports for the commission of the National Council on the additional costs, December 1990
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Documents of the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy for a meeting of the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, Graubünden and Ticino with the head of the FDTCE
1992 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 54 MB
The SBB Director of Building’s expectations regarding AlpTransit
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Minutes of the 13th meeting of the AlpTransit steering committee (ATSC) on 17 May
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Study by Coopers & Lybrand on the economic profitability of the NRLA
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 17 MB
Federal Council Otto Stich on the relationship between transport and financial policy
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 22 MB
Federal Council decree on an agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany on the northern connections to the NRLA
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 28 MB
Ambros Gisler, The formulation of Uri’s concerns during the visit by Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger to the canton of Uri
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
Report by the Federal Department of Finance on the funding of the NRLA for the finance delegation of the Federal Councils
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 21 MB
First report by the NRLA supervisory delegation of the Federal Councils
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 67 KB
Decision-making basis for the FOT steering committee from Niklaus Lundsgaard-Hansen on alternative scenarios for the reform of railways in Switzerland
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 30 MB
Graphic representation of the construction project in section 421, drilling and blasting
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Internal PowerPoint presentation on the comparative options at the Ceneri (costs) by the Federal Office of Transport
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 25 KB
Review of the annual funding requirement for large-scale rail projects
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
«Federal Council decree on the AlpTransit Ceneri Base Tunnel preliminary projects, decision on the tunnel system (twin-track bore or two single-track bores)»
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 50 MB
Models for the NRLA project organisation from the perspective of the BLS
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Geothermal investigations by the ETH Zurich on the Piora Basin
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 12 MB
Simplon-Lötschberg syndicate, Transalp 2005, Switzerland and the development of Europe’s high-speed rail network
1989 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 48 MB
Government of the Canton of Graubünden on the Porta Alpina loan
2005 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 32 MB
Report by the Canton of Ticino’s Council of State on the Gotthard rail link through the Alps in the 21st century
1985 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 19 MB
Minutes of the meeting of 26 February 1991 of the eastern Switzerland connections working group
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 11 MB
NEAT planning organisation, intermediate phase: organisational chart
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Letter from the AlpTransit Safety Report Project Organisation to Toni Eder, Deputy Director of the Federal Office of Transport
2007 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Recommendations of the working group on tunnel profile types
1981 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Concept options for Alpine transit traffic through Switzerland
1973 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 79 MB
Federal Council decree on the future development of the rail infrastructure
2008 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 81 MB
Framework for authorization of ERTMS on corridor A Rotterdam – Genoa
2010 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 251 KB
Longitudinal profile of the Gotthard railway, section III, lot VIII, canton of Uri, March
1878 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Invitation to the opening of the Hauenstein tunnel, 21 April
1858 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 262 KB
Letters from the Railways Section of the Swiss Department for Post and Railways on the question of arresting rails, 30 January and 5 March
1889 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 480 KB
Public transport infrastructure fund, Rail 2000 data basis, phase 1, 29 January
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Calculations on the efficiency and available capacity for traffic through the Alps corresponding to the assumed state of development of the existing Alpine railways and possible Alpine railway approach routes in the year 1990
undatiert , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
«Rail Tunnels through the Alps» – final report of the Commission of the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 63 MB
Working document of the Federal Commission on the Overall Transport Strategy for Switzerland OTS – CH
1978 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 33 MB
The Economic and Social Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt on a possible way forward to defuse the Splügen/Gotthard conflict
1985 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
Decision-making basis from the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy for an NRLA for the Federal Council
1987 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
Documentation for the roads: situation of through traffic in Switzerland, FDTCE press event
1988 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
AlpTransit decree, additional reports for the commission of the National Council on international coordination, December 1990
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 63 MB
The Chairman of the Swiss Construction Industry Federation’s expectations regarding AlpTransit
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Report of the results of an environmental workshop on the Lötschberg axis
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 18 MB
Geological and geotechnical longitudinal profile of the Piora Basin exploratory tunnel
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Interim report by Metron Raumplanung AG on spatial planning and the landscape
1992 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 44 MB
Summary of the main conclusions in the Coopers & Lybrand study
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 19 MB
Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy overview of the financial aspects of the Confederation’s transport history
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
Summary report by the CEMT working group on a European route through the Alps
1981 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 23 MB
Statement by the President and Government Council of the Canton of Uri on the planning approval procedure under rail law
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 26 MB
Instruction from Max Friedli to review the funding of public transport
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Report by the NRLA supervisory delegation of the Federal Councils for 2014
2015 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 1 MB
Graphic representation of the construction project in section 421, Frutigen portal construction programme – km 23.000
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
Graphic representation of the 2000 automated road traffic census
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Internal PowerPoint presentation on the comparative options at the Ceneri (summary) by the Federal Office of Transport
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 KB
Special report on cost evolution in the second half of 2003 by the Federal Office of Transport
2004 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 40 MB
Graphic representation of the underground water shafts in the Steg/Raron Base Tunnel
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
The AlpTransit Gotthard project management on the current status in the Piora Basin area
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Project of the Association Trans Europe TGV Rhin-Rhône-Méditerranée
1989 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 31 MB
Decision-making basis for the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications on the issue of the Porta Alpina
2007 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
Minutes of the discussion on connecting eastern Switzerland to the NRLA
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 MB
Vibroseis, measurement line Neat9001, profile of the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, Reichenbach – Kandersteg
1990 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 11 MB
Project organisation for the New Rail Link through the Alps
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 78 MB
Gotthard Base Tunnel, Sedrun and Faido multifunctional sites, escape route through the transverse caverns
2006 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 26 MB
Concession agreement regarding the use of water power from the Alta Leventina
1909 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 18 MB
Administrative agreement between the cantons of Ticino and Uri on maintenance, operation and policing, August
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 21 MB
Economic efficiency calculation and financing for the Gotthard base line
1972 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 35 MB
Federal Council decree on the supplementary credit for the further development of the rail infrastructure
2009 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 30 MB
IQ-C Action plan 2006–2014 for rail freight corridor Rotterdam – Genoa
2010 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 576 KB
Bellinzona station, new operations shed and depot facilities, façades, 1 December
1967 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 389 KB
Water measurements in the Hauenstein tunnel drainage channel, letter dated 20 December
1920 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Technical report on the construction project for a Gotthard Base Tunnel by the Gotthard Tunnel study group
1962 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 32 MB
An issue of the magazine «Lo Splugo, Periodico del Comitato per il Traforo Ferroviario dello Spluga»
1982 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 29 MB
Preliminary audit of the technical feasibility of a railway line through the Alps with a Y-shaped layout
1986 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
The President of the National Council’s expectations regarding AlpTransit
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
File note from the AlpTransit environmental working group PC-C
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 21 MB
Geological and geotechnical projection basis for the Piora Basin exploratory tunnel
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 20 MB
Speaker’s notes on the discussion paper on implementation of the Alps Initiative for the press conference on 9 September
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Simplon-Lötschberg syndicate, Switzerland and the Development of the European High-Speed Rail Network
undatiert , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 28 MB
Report by the Federal Office of Transport on the additional costs as at 31 December 2003
2004 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Graphic representation of the construction project in section 421, crossing below the BLS mountain route, construction phases
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 12 MB
Press release, Eliminating capacity shortfalls on motorways and in conurbations
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 12 MB
Internal PowerPoint presentation on the comparative options at the Ceneri (action plan) by the Federal Office of Transport
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 42 KB
The AlpTransit Gotthard delegate on working processes and available credits
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 11 MB
Graphic representation of the cable feed shafts in the Steg/Raron Base Tunnel
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
International delegation on the business of the Simplon Railway, minutes of the 324th and 325th meetings
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 136 MB
Report on the geological conditions in the area of the Piora Basin
1964 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 36 MB
Correspondence between the Canton of Uri’s Government Council and the Federal Council
1987 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 13 MB
Accompanying reports to the additional dispatch on the integration of eastern Switzerland
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 38 MB
Minutes of the expert committee on Alpine geology Lötschberg sub-group
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Ritom power stationlongitudinal profile of the water catchment area, headrace tunnel and pressure shafts
1910 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 12 MB
N2 Gotthard road tunnel, opinion by the consultant geologist
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 56 MB
Discussion between an Uri government delegation and the Federal Council delegation on transport policy on the issues raised by the Canton of Uri
1975 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 21 MB
Secret report on the unrest in Göschenen on 27 and 28 July 1875
27.10.1875 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Final Declaration of the Transport Ministers’ Conference in The Hague, 14 June
2010 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 1 MB
Bellinzona City Council, planning permission application, new SBB depot, 5 August
1969 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 520 KB
13th plenary session of the Swiss Railways Federation Technical Commission on the question of guide rails, 4-5 June
1889 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Planning procedure for major rail projects, new Rail 2000 line Mattstetten – Rothrist, section 5.1, line upgrades Derendingen – Inkwil (decree), 29 June
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 1 MB
Minutes of the meeting of the Canton of Ticino project commission PC-Ti, 25 November
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Federal Department of Finance documentation on the special funding for the NRLA
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 25 MB
Overview of the most important bodies responsible for supervisory, controlling and execution functions
2004 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
Graphic representation of the installation sections on the Lötschberg base line
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Report by an internal administration working group on the funding of the NRLA
1988 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 17 MB
Graphic representation of the Lötschberg operations centre in the Steg/Raron Base Tunnel
2002 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
The Gotthard base line, status of investigations and project planning
1973 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 66 MB
Two engineers comment on the overall construction of the Gotthard route
1968 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 41 MB
AlpTransit project management, supplementary report on noise protection for new rail lines
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 25 MB
Piora Basin exploratory bore, geological/geotechnical project planning basis
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Infras suitability assessment on integrating eastern Switzerland into the AlpTransit concept
1991 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 262 MB
Longitudinal profile of the power stations in the canton of Ticino
1910 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
List of ancillary equipment and spare parts for the technical installations of the Gotthard road tunnel and Seelisberg tunnel
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Ceneri Base Tunnel, clarifications regarding the choice of system
2000 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
Bellinzona station, plan showing the location of the new depot, 6 December
1968 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 752 KB
Rail 2000, major project: Onnens – Vaumarcus – Gorgier, monthly report no. 13, January
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 2 MB
Speech by Federal Councillor Adolf Ogi on AlpTransit Lötschberg
1994 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 31 MB
The Federal Council’s view on the economic profitability assessment by Coopers & Lybrand, Appendix 1
1995 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 46 MB
Overview of the most important bodies responsible for supervisory, controlling and execution functions
2005 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 108 MB
Statement by the Canton of Valais on the planning approval procedure
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 14 MB
Comments by the Director of SBB Construction Services on the Gotthard base line
1972 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 45 MB
Statements on the comparison of detailed options for the Gotthard and Lötschberg lines
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 23 MB
AlpTransit Gotthard project management, summary report on Uri
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Documentation on the Piora Basin from the Institute of Geological Science in Bern
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 16 MB
Reference base for services – eastern Switzerland connection
1999 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 38 MB
Letter from the SBB Directorate General to Federal Councillor Josef Escher, 3 September
1953 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 381 KB
Comments by Rotary Club Lugano on the «Rail Tunnel through the Alps» report
1971 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 32 MB
Infras AG, interim discussion by the Environment/Transport staff office
1993 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Artist’s impression of the zone in front of the Raron portal in its finished state
2003 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 15 MB
Correspondence between the Canton of Ticino’s Council of State and the Federal Council
1987 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 15 MB
Letter from the governments of eastern Switzerland to the Federal Council regarding the Splügen railway
1985 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Specifications for the supply of cables for the Simplon tunnel
1904 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 17 MB
Petition by the Swiss Workers’ Federation to the Federal Council on the events in Göschenen
1875 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Rail – BUS 2000, new twin-track line Onnens – Gorgier – St. Aubin: St Aubin – Sauges tunnel
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 921 KB
Details of the discussion between the Gotthard committee and the Federal Council
1972 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 30 MB
Provisional construction schedule for fitting out the east tunnel
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 5 MB
Overview of documentation on the structure of the Piora Basin
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 8 MB
Letter from the Federal Council to the governments of eastern Switzerland concerning the feasibility of planning a rail link through the Alps
undated, probably 1985 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger on the disbanding of the expert committee on geology
2000 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 3 MB
Electrification of the Swiss railways and in particular the former Gotthard railway
1912 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 131 MB
Minutes of the 54th meeting of the Technical Committee of the Construction Commission with the engineering consortium
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 34 MB
Muralto, plans for Piazzale Stazione Municipio della Città di Bellinzona, sheet 3, 9 September
1953 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 355 KB
Longitudinal profile of the Gotthard base line south portal in Bodio
1972 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 4 MB
Provisional construction schedule for fitting out the west tunnel
2001 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 4 MB
Report on the status of the Piora exploratory bore system at the end of March 1996
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 10 MB
Specialist geology commission, AlpTransit preliminary projects II, canton of Uri
1997 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
Minutes of the visit by a delegation of the eastern Swiss cantons to DETEC
1974 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 25 MB
Report on the low-current interference resulting from the electrical operations of the Lötschberg railway, annex 1
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 23 MB
Address by Federal Councillor Hans Hürlimann on the opening of the Gotthard road tunnel
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Daily record of the Göschenen and Airolo investigation, 18 September – 2 October
1875 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 41 MB
Letter from the Mayor of Muralto to Federal Councillor Josef Escher, 10 September
1953 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 254 KB
Piora Basin exploratory works, record of the events of 30 and 31 March 1996
1996 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 7 MB
1st meeting of the «NRLA connections – eastern Switzerland» working group
1989 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 9 MB
Interference with the low-current installations due to the electrical operations of the Lötschberg railway
undated , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 54 MB
Locarno station, major project to remodel Piazza Stazione, 3 September
1953 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 279 KB
Federal-cantonal liaison committee on the northern approach routes to the NRLA, minutes of the 2nd meeting
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 23 MB
Arguments from the Federal Office of Transport on passenger and goods traffic
1986 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 29 MB
Federal Council decree on investigation into the impact of the Gotthard road tunnel on heavy goods traffic
1979 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 34 MB
Published report on the unrest in Göschenen on 27 and 28 July 1875
16.10.1875 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 1 MB
Project to extend Göschenen station, overview plan, January
1957 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 377 KB
Calculation of fund withdrawals for AlpTransit and integration of eastern Switzerland 1999-2002
1998 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 6 MB
Electrification of the Swiss Federal Railways to the end of 1928
1929 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 181 MB
Goods traffic through the Alps, impact of the Gotthard road tunnel
1986 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 63 MB
Customs inspection office for baggage at Lugano station, letter from the Swiss Customs Depart-ment, 5 November
1913 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 396 KB
Speech by the President of the Council of Ministers in Genoa
1985 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 21 MB
Discussion meeting on the electrification of the Swiss Federal Railways
1916 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 37 MB
Investigation into the impact of the Gotthard road tunnel on goods traffic through the Alps
1980 , Swiss Federal ArchivesPDF, 32 MB
The new international Splügen railway must have all the features of a flat fast railway of tomorrow, 1965 (Swiss Federal Archives)
The geographical location of Switzerland and the foreign rail network, 1971 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Lötschberg/Alpine Railway 2000. Passenger through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Traffic zones of the Greina, Splügen, Gotthard, Simplon and Lötschberg, 1905 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Gotthard/Alpine Railway 2000. Passenger through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Ypsilon/Alpine Railway 2000. Passenger through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Splügen/Alpine Railway 2000. Passenger through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
The cantons of Schaffhausen, Thurgau, St. Gallen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Glarus and Graubünden want to be linked to the NRLA network, 2017 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Griti/Alpine Railway 2000. Passenger through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Lötschberg/Eurotransit. Combined goods through traffic, 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Lötschberg/Alpine Railway 2000. Combined goods through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Gotthard/Alpine Railway 2000. Combined goods through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Ypsilon/Alpine Railway 2000. Combined goods through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Planning case: Splügen/Alpine Railway 2000. Combined goods through traffic (final expansion), 1987 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Fachtagung Eisenbahn-Alpentransversale ; DRS-aktuell
1986, Swiss Federal Archives
Rail Link through the Alps conference; DRS-aktuell, 1986 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Bundesbahnen gestern und heute
1944, Swiss Federal Archives
Swiss railways yesterday and today, 1944 (Swiss Federal Archives)
50-Jahre Lötschberg-Durchstich
1961, Swiss Federal Archives
50 years of the Lötschberg Tunnel, 1961 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Erhöhung der Sicherheit
1944, Swiss Federal Archives
Improving safety , 1944 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Lawinen auf der Gotthardlinie
1951, Swiss Federal Archives
Avalanches on the Gotthard line, 1951 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Land der 100 Täler
1963, Swiss Federal Archives
The land of 100 valleys, 1963 (Swiss Federal Archives)
125 Jahre SBB - Neue Reisezugswagen
1972, Swiss Federal Archives
125 years of the SBB – new tourist carriages, 1972 (Swiss Federal Archives)
Ostalpenbahn-Debatte im Grossen Rat GR ; Antenne
1971, Swiss Federal Archives
Debate on the eastern Alps line in the Graubünden Grand Council; Antenne, 1971 (Swiss Federal Archives)
50 Jahre Simplon-Fahrt
1948, Swiss Federal Archives
50 years of travelling through the Simplon, 1948 (Swiss Federal Archives)
50 Jahre Lötschbergbahn
1963, Swiss Federal Archives
50 years of the Lötschberg rail line, 1963 (Swiss Federal Archives)
50 Jahre Simplontunnel
1956, Swiss Federal Archives
50 years of the Simplon Tunnel, 1956 (Swiss Federal Archives)
75 Jahre Gotthard-Bahn
1957, Swiss Federal Archives
75 years of the Gotthard rail line, 1957 (Swiss Federal Archives)